Watch this tutorial to learn how to draw a screaming angry mouth. Make sure to pause the video after each step and look at the screen every few seconds while you are drawing.
"Step 1- Draw a big U shape but make the two lines at the top of the U point slightly outwards and away from each other.
Step 2- Draw a second U shape above the first and close the lines to form a crescent moon shape. Notice that the widest point of this shape is the middle and that the shape gets narrow and pointy at the top where the edges of both lines meet.
Step 3- When a person screams, the bottom lip presses firmly against the bottom set of teeth. Only the tooth tops are visible. The shape of these tooth tops is somewhere between a square and circle. Make 8 to 10 and stay light with the lines in between the teeth.
Step 4- Now we draw the tongue. It is a rounded shape that is wider at the top than the bottom. It is kind of like drawing a heart shape without a pointed bottom or an indentation at the top.
Step 5- Add a rainbow shape at the top. Be sure to notice the amount of space between the top of the tongue and the rainbow shape.
Step 6- Add a second rainbow shape above the first. Like the bottom lip, the top lip gets more narrow at the edges and wider in the middle. Be sure to notice that the bottom lip is thicker than the top lip.
Step 7- Now make a half circle shape beneath the top lip. Notice that the edges at the bottom protrude slightly.
Step 8- When a person screams, the top teeth are exposed because the top lip goes upwards. Your task is to draw 12 teeth. Notice that the front four face the viewer but the others start to turn away. Notice that as the teeth go further back in to the mouth, they get smaller. I know that molars and wisdom teeth are much larger in real life than a front teeth, but please trust me and pause the video and draw what you see. I will explain why this happens in the next part."
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