How To: Do a line drawing of a Scotty dog

Do a line drawing of a Scotty dog

You don't have to be the greatest artist to draw a Scotty dog. As a matter of fact its very easy. You'll begin with the nose. Draw the nose in the shape of a pebble. Draw a line across and shade underneath. The eyes are exactly the same, but slightly turned up. The cheeks are down, slightly zigzagged and up. Next is the tongue. This is simply a u with a line drawn down the middle. The ears are also down, zigzagged and up, doing this for each ear. To draw the hair on top of the hair, again, you'll draw down, zigzag and up. The front paws are down and around, while the back paws are the nume 3, with the left paw being the number 3 backwards. Once completed draw a nice bone for your Scotty.

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